Ahlhorn Citizens Festival 2024

Welcome to the Ahlhorn Citizens Festival 2024! I am pleased to present you the website for this special event, which I created on behalf of the Ahlhorn Citizens' Association.


Minimalist design and modern design:

The website for the Ahlhorner Bürgerfest 2024 is characterized by a minimalist design and modern aesthetics. The goal was to focus on the essentials and offer visitors an intuitive and appealing user experience.

Registration for the parade:

An important function on the website is the option to register for the pageant. Through a user-friendly form, participants can enter their details and register for this traditional event, which is the heart of the community festival.

Artists and festival program:

The performing artists were presented on the website in separate subpages in order to give due recognition to their talent and performances. In addition, the festival program was attractively integrated on the landing page so that visitors can get an overview of the highlights of the community festival.

The collaboration with the Ahlhorn Citizens' Association was extremely enriching and I am proud to have contributed to the organization and presentation of this unique event. Visit our website to find out more about the Ahlhorn Citizens' Festival 2024 and to register for the parade.

Thank you for your interest!

Portfolio Ahlhorner Bürgerfest 2024 Webseite
Ahlhorner Bürgerfest 2024 Logo